
Memory One

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pals together

Pals Together.......

The billy goat on the right is either Daniel or Henrik....or how they're  known from their winter digs, Cheech or Chong.....but I have to look them straight on face to face to really be sure. I think this is Henrik/Cheech...but probably not.  They ARE twins so I guess that's the point.

Perfectly reasonable that three goats - three brothers goat - would enjoy a storybook read to them by a two year old. The really great thing is the two year old considers it a fine idea. That's the magic....the absurdity of it alone makes it magical.  I mean....maybe a toddler knows something we don't know. Maybe goats can read.

And then what happened? 

Anyway....Willie is on the left - known to his peeps as Willie No-Willie because he's  what's called a whether and well.....guess the rest.  He's the largest of this triplet trip and without the presence of a female anymore falls into the drag queen title of Herd Queen. Lucky Willie.

  A trip.....what's that you say?

Didn't y'all know that's what we're called?

 Trip Out.....

One of author Elizabeth Pepper's books references a five hundred year old volume of books listing names of designated groups of animals. A bevy of swans. A shrewdness of apes. An unkindness of ravens. a clowder of cats and....a trip of goats.

It's a sweet list. Great at and adults alike.

My little girl is reading a storybook to a trip of goats and they're fighting over who gets the best seat.When they begin head buttin' each other - and that's what goats do it's a herd thing don't sweat it - my wee lass tells 'em "Stop it you two...."  which they eventually do.

They gather round be honest probably hoping for a nibble of that cardboard book she's holding.....and she reads a story to them all.  About shapes and squares and triangles and after they stop bangin' heads and settle down they actually seemed to enjoy themselves.

 Maybe just the sound of a storyteller's voice is all it takes to keep the trip settled and calm. 

Wait a minute are we a brood or a troop of chickens?

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