
Memory One

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here we go with Thursday

First off....I really hate my eyebrows.  I've been tweezing them since Grade 7 and had them waxed...once...when I was about a friend who was going through esthetician school.  MISTAKE.  With over-tweezing and that horrifying wax job when I tried to grow them out a bit for my wedding seven years ago all that came in were patchy, uneven excuses for a brow line.  Now I am a prisoner to my eyebrow pencil and if you saw me without them drawn it you would probably say out loud what my four year old does when he sees me first thing in the morning.  "You look like a different person Mama!"
Which wouldn't be so bad if I thought he meant a supermodel or Julia Roberts or something. 
Anyways....I'm out of the shower and getting my little lad ready for soccer school.  Pack a million snacks, change of clothes for him and his baby sister, and for me too in case there's a spit-up incident, and after that I'm going to try and go clothes shopping. I know...I know...laugh out loud!  As long as I get one pair of pants that fits me properly and a shirt that I can nurse comfortably in without looking like a nursing shirt I'll be happy.  Ah my son's first soccer camp/school.....the mom club on the sidelines...this is my second go round at this little game.  I'm sure I'll have something to share when I get back although checking in before midnight tonite might prove a laughable thought. Wish me luck.....with sixteen years of motherhood under my muffin top I know that most days are ruled by it.   Peace out......

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