
Memory One

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why I don't like to watch the news....

The world in general can be a scary place especially if you watch the news.  With small kids in the house I get kinda extra weirded out by watching too  many headlines.  With a almost five month old baby girl at my boob 24/7 I'm already on full-on Mama Bear mode thanks very much.  Any strange characters lurking alongside playgrounds and schoolyards show up loud and scary on my beacon at the moment.  Stories of how the cops pretty much knew what Robert Pickton was up at his pig farm but didn't do anything about it are enough to make me pack everyone up and head for the hills.  Last night I was up waaaaay too late trying to get through the huge pile of paper on my desk....household bills and junk mail and the like....and so I had CBC news on the tv as background fodder.  My ears and eyes were dragged away from trying to decipher our HBC credit card statement (which is retarded by the way) when the talking head on the screen reported a two year old boy left in his car seat in the sweltering Texas heat for two hours.  Apparently his parents parked the car in the driveway, unloaded the car of their other autistic child that required their attention along with a whole wack of stuff that was needed in preparation for the family reunion that was happening in the house......and forgot about the sleeping toddler in the car seat.  We all know this is a tragedy and I wouldn't dream of passing judgement.....those poor freaking parents will be re-living this nightmare over and over for the rest of their days I'm guessing....but what rocked me to the core was the interview with a 'child rearing specialist' the reporter interviewed after the initial story.  Sitting in her office with oodles of framed degrees on the wall behind her, her all-knowing and textbook voice remaining even and unfeeling throughout, she suggested to parents that a great way to never forget a child in the back seat is to 'always place something of vital a wallet or a cellphone....on the floor directly behind the driver's seat which will force you to go into the back of the car before going inside".  In the texting words of my sixteen year old son....WTF?????......are we really that stupid as humans?  Are we....really?  The most important thing in my backseat are my kids.  I've left ice cream to melt and peaches to rot by mistake in the back of my Mazda but never have I forgotten my kids...sleeping or otherwise.  My heart breaks for those parents who are now without their little boy but my heart breaks more for humanity when it is suggested that we need our wallets and our cell phones to jump start our brains into remembering our most precious cargo needs unloaded from the car.  On that note I must run as my littlest precious cargo has now woken up from her car seat that I placed on the kitchen floor, directly under the ceiling fan because it's so stinking hot in here, so she could finish the nap she dozed off into halfway from the the farmer's market to home.  Take care all and don't forget what's important........ 

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